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Butter And Guns

Updated: Oct 5, 2020

When I talk about butter and guns I'm not talking about the spread you use on your bread or the weapon you keep in your nightstand. Butter are those things that lose value as soon as you purchase them. Guns are those things that gain value over time. If you have seen the movie Baby Boy then understand exactly what I am talking about. When Melvin the character played by Ving Rhames starts to break down the concept of Butter and Guns to Jodi the character played by Tyrese it really hit home with me. I was that person chasing after the butter, not fully understanding the repercussions of my actions. Once I started actually looking at those that had guns I knew then I had to change. They may hold some items that would be considered butter, but their guns out numbered those things. I have slowly started to get my own guns to gain my financial independence. It is a slow process but attainable if you are dedicated. I have to continually push myself to stay away from those things that are butter. Trust me it's not easy and the road is full of twists and turns, but once you embark down this path the rewards can be great. I try to learn from those that have gone before me, trying to work smarter not harder. If your looking to get rich quick and with very little effort then this is not the right road for you. Butter and Guns learn the difference and work towards owning as many guns as you can.

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