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What Do You Offer

What are you bringing to my table? When I ask that question I'm not talking about food. I want to know how are you going tonight to help us build together? Most of us don't think about that when we first enter into a relationship. It's something we should though, especially when your trying to build financially. I'm not saying that love isn't important, but that will inly get you but so far. Unfortunately a lot of times when things tough financially love goes out the window. That's why for us everyday people we need a partner that can and will grow with us. Planning for the future is not just planning for the big events in our lives, you need to plan for the small ones as well as the unexpected. Obtaining financial independence is everyone's goal, but how many of us actually sit down with our partner and try to come up with a plan to achieve that elusive dream. The average person sees that new bag, gaming system, etcetera and thinks they have to it. They save up for it and bag suddenly they get hit with an unexpected expense. Now they're pondering was that expensive item worth it. Remember if your living paycheck to paycheck you really need to sit down evaluate your financial decisions. Instead invest in your future and don't wory about the frills. If you plan it out right those things will come easily. We all have to show restraint and patience when working towards financial independence.

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